Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How i wish .......

How I Wish…………

I could decide for myself and then stick to it.
It didn’t matter who was getting hurt so long as I was right.
I walked some distances alone.
I did all the things that I didn’t do earlier to fit in other things.
I stayed close to my friends who stand by me even now.
I danced in rain when the time was right.
I had slept like a baby.
I never had fallen – in rat race, for promises, for temptations.
I could see all the wrong things and still keep my tears back.
I could finalize all the things I wanted to do.
I could talk freely about how I really felt.
I could still be a child and never grow up.
I could stand at the edge of life knowing falling over didn’t really matter – to me or anyone else.
I could sing ….. (cos I feel sometimes words may fail bt songs neva disappoint).
I could just leave everything and do what my heart loves best.
I didn’t lose people in life.
I could get a hug that I always craved for n it remained with me forever.
I could just laugh loudly telling the world “this moment m purely happy”.
Nobody controlled my life.
Tears would just forget my eyes.
Smile would always visit…

N then I realized the wish list would just be like this – for me … for u … but for me it still is a dream, a dream I see every night which makes me think of my wish every morning …